Saturday, November 19, 2011

Our New Yarn Website

If anyone wants to buy great yarn at great discounts- come check us out!

This Green Baby Alpaca Merino is $2.03 each sold in lots of 8!
From 0..62 cents a ball/skein and up!

Remembering to Breathe

This time of year is so busy. I have not had time to do anything it seems. When I do, I sit here staring at the wall overwhelmed. We have 2 shows coming up and trying to increase inventory for this season plus I have my 5 month old... then I sit back and remember... it is really retail corporations that have robbed us all of this time of year. So Don't forget to breathe! I hope to be posting more soon... But I am really not a big talker.. .unless you want to talk about our shop, or art, or natural organic foods and products... health care instead of sick care like we have here in the U.S.... or babies, spit-up and drool.... the Bible or enjoying the outdoors. But poetic I am NOT... And most things, I just don't have a lot to say about ... that really need to be said anyway.

But I guess things gotta change- so I am going to be working on this. Maybe enlisting the help of Tori (my daughter) who is not usually short on words or subjects.
So here is to continuing to breathe while the whole world is going crazy in debt and speeding by this time of year
