Natural Home Birth

My two oldest kids are 16 and 17... I was remarried last year and surprise! Starting all over again I had a lot of decisions to make and was not happy at all with either of my hospital births with my first two children. There were so many things to be unhappy about.

But I began researching having a home birth and found out that in the State of Ohio, it is illegal for a certified Midwife to attend a homebirth and their insurance will not cover them to be at home.

I was not accepting being treated like I was sick by hospitals just because I was pregnant, and I don't agree with many of the tests and 'standard' procedures that hospitals and doctors force on women. I believe that women's bodies were designed to give birth.

I went to the library and Youtube and started researching. I watched videos and read and listened to all sides. I was convinced. I was having a Home Waterbirth with or without a midwife.

We had minimal supplies- as they really aren't needed in most normal births. As a matter of fact the more interventions that a doctor or hospital does to a woman during labor, the more interventions they will have to do. The rise of cesarean sections have risen exponentially and I will not go into all that here- there are plenty of others who have posted this research. I will say that the United States has the FOURTH highest rate of INFANT DEATH and MATERNAL DEATH in the world. Ahead of ALL third world countries that do NOT have births at hospitals. Our babies and women are dying in hospitals and due to their interventions.

I am here to say that if I would have had this labor in a hospital, this time I would have been a C-Section without a doubt. My labor was 46 hours long. but I will get to that later.

I went to see my Doctor or Midwife about 3 times during my pregnancy enough to make sure that everything was progressing fine and that I was at low risk for any complications. I didn't take many of their tests they said were 'needed' but I did have an ultrasound done twice. This didn't make them very happy and I was pressured to comply with their protocol, but I don't believe in their protocol and don't agree with it and its my body. My body would tell me when there was a problem or when I needed a true intervention.

Here is our birth checklist.
One small pool from Walmart for $30 that was close to 2 feet tall and roomy.
One tarp to lay down under the pool.
Several towels and blankets.
Sterilized sharp sewing scissors and rubberbands (for cutting and tying the cord)
We boiled these for 10-15 minutes prior to delivery.
One sheet hung from the ceiling to pull on - focusing strength on the upper body helps to relax the lower body and allows gravity to have its full work.
We had the baby's stuff close by for when he was born (clothes, receiving blankets, diapers, nose syringe (JUST IN CASE)
Ina May Gaskins book on Homebirth and Dr. Jack Newman's Book on Breastfeeding.

That is it... Total cost of labor -$30!!!!

We had a peaceful healthy home birth and it was so serene. When my son was born, he was calm and snuggled in my arms in warm blankets and quiet and we were all just at peace. Uninterrupted with nonsense and unnecessary doings and goings and facts and statistics and 'educated' people. My baby was born gently, without rude interruptions and poking and prodding. He had a peaceful WELCOME to the world day. I would not change it for anything.

My labor was 46 hours, this is why I said I would have been a C-section. Doctors want to tell you that its unsafe to have longer labors. All I can say is patooey! We have so many unecessary C-sections in this country its sad! its Scary and Dangerous and traumatic to mothers and babies.

So my water broke at about 10:15 am (a little bit) and it kept on breaking for about 24 hours. No need to panic, I kept going on with my day and being excited that I would soon get to meet my son. We did a few last minute preparations like laundry and such. Most of our time was spent just being a family and waiting.

Contractions began about 24 hours after my water began breaking and they last about another 22 hours. They were not hard right away, fairly mild and I remained very relaxed and comfortable until active labor began at about 2 am that night (morning). The contractions or waves or rushes picked up at 2 am and it was time to fill up the pool and get the warm water ready. This is what I had been preparing for emotionally and mentally for the last 8.5 months.

The transition stage of labor lasted 4 hours. I spent about 2 of these hours in the actual pushing stage of labor. Honestly, this was a first for me all the way around. I labored with my oldest in the hospital with an epidural and didn't feel anything. They had to give me oxytocin because my labor slowed due to the epidural and out jumped my oldest. I was there, but not there and it was more about the doctor and nurses than it was me or my baby.

My second oldest was a lick! My entire labor with her lasted for 4 hours and 45 minutes from the first 'cramp' until she was born. I did make sure I had time for an epidural though. In those days, that was normal and I had no support and was so young.

So for me to think a labor could be this long, was a new concept. At least to think it could be this long and still be normal and healthy. Because doctors will convince you that they have to intervene. I won't get started.
So after 2 hours of active pushing, my son was finally born. The second my husband 'caught' him and 'here is our son' I took him in my arms and forgot completely the pain and labor of the last 46 hours. He was peaceful and laying calm in my arms with no fear, no crying and struggling to open his eyes to see his momma for the first time. I had no drugs to inhibit the pain or the love.

It was truly the most amazing experience of my life. My son was born healthy and strong on June 11 of 2011 at our home. He was 6 pounds and 14 oz and 20.14 inches long. We named him Isaiah.

He is my little love bug.

When I tell people my story, they are usually very interested. Some are interested at what they perceive to be my stupidity but others are truly interested.

Anyone that wants to learn more about natural birth, I recommend Ina May Gaskins book Homebirth and Gentle Birth by Barbara Harper

There is a plethera of videos on Youtube and information on the internet with all the facts and statistics and research.

This is my story and I would urge anyone who has any interest, to do all the research you can. There is a ton of information out there. It is time we stop being bullied and pressured and in many cases lied to and start taking back control of our bodies.

Much Love,
