Wednesday, January 11, 2012

My Super Easy Orange-Aid Recipe

This 'winter' which has been very mild where we are (50's in January????) it seems that I have made nothing but owl hats (not that I am complaining) but I needed a change from normal 'winter food' (and owls) so we were lucky enough to find some really good oranges at a local store and I had 3 left so I made this drink that is my new favorite. It is yummy and light and so easy to make.

Those of you that don't know, I am a little bit (?) of a natural organic lover so my recipes are as natural and organic as I can muster in our city.

3 organic oranges (seeded)
Reverse Osmosis filtered water (this removes that poisonous flouride and metals)  :D
A little bit of Agave Nectar to taste (refined sugar is horrible for you)
(if you can't get Agave Nectar you can use a RAW sugar or Turbinado as a healthier alternative- it doesn't take much)
1/4 teaspoon PINK Sea Salt (this adds trace minerals back into the water)

Wash and Cut two whole oranges and remove seeds (eat these seeds because they are good for you- a little bitter but we all need to eat seeds of all kinds), toss them into the food processor and process until they are finely chopped/pureed. Add contents of food processor to pitcher. Juice last orange either by hand or juicer.
Add this to pitcher. Fill with water and add salt and Agave Nectar to taste.

Stir really well! HERE IS THE TRICKY PART. The longer you let the drink mixture sit, the better it will taste because the orange zest (peel) has more chance to soak into the water. BUT it is great right away and never sits too long at our house :)  If you want to strain the orange chunks out- go ahead. I love to keep mine in and chew it up as I drink.

Here is a pic of my drink from yesterday... YUMMY! and its GOOD for you!

You can see the chunks of orange at the bottom.... MMMmmmMMM


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